Customer Testimonials

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All Customer Testimonials listed below have 

been compiled from e-mail correspondence, 

“Unicorn One Productions' Customer Service

Surveys” and various notes from our clients.

William & Penny Carney - Wedding
"Tom Moore is the consumate professional. From the first time we spoke with him, to the night of the wedding, everything was perfect. Prompt, courteous and very professional. You can't go wrong with Unicorn. Music makes the party and Unicorn makes the music."


Larry & Diana Heise - Wedding

We chose Tom quickly in our planning.  He has handled a number of events for friends, including my Maid of Honor’s wedding.  Tom is a true professional.  He met my every need.  He even offers great suggestions, maps the whole day for you and overall is a dream to work with.  All of my ceremony songs were “new” to him.  But, he went out purchased them….and made sure they were the exact version that I had in envisioned.  Besides all those great things, "He Rocks the House".  Doing it in a way that is not corny, cheesy or out of your vision and his assistant, Aaron, adds to the professionalism.  Tom has a great voice for the MC’ing (as much or as little as you want) and he reads the dance crowd great.  Our last song – he states the longest in history- was by the Black Eyed Peas- I Gotta Feeling.  Little did I know my husband asked him to play it over over and over until we were all tired…. Everyone came to the dance floor at Tom’s request.  It was a “moment” to remember.



Kelly Chadwick - Fundraiser (Steven T. Hill Stroke Foundation)

Tom Moore is a friend of Steven and Tanya and he also was the DJ at their wedding in October of 2005 and was our DJ and Host for "2 Nights, 2 Events" (for which he volunteered his time.)  Those of you who were at either the Boston or the Lexington event will recall what an excellent job Tom did, and through his fabulous auctioneering he helped everyone "Monkey Up" for Steven!  If you need an awesome DJ, please use Tom!


Michael and Kristin McArdle - Wedding
"Tom was excellent. Everybody commented on what a great disc-jockey he was. Very professional, great with guests and he had great music."


Helene Lustgarten - Holiday Party
"Wonderful party. Everything was perfect. Great service and great music. Tom was wonderful. Great-Great-Great. Lots of positive feedback."


Neil & Beth Matlin-Heiger - Wedding
"100% Total Satisfaction. Great job! We consider Tom one of the best vendors from our wedding."


Patricia Odom - Birthday Party
"Tom Moore made my party an absolute success. The music was divine. All of my guests were extremely happy and dancing all night. Thanks Tom."

