Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost for your services ?


There are a number of factors that go into the actual cost of a DJ for your event.   



Performance Time:     


The start and end time of your function.





Will you require multiple equipment set-ups?  An example of this would be one set-up for cocktail and an additional set-up for the actual reception.


Pricing Plans are available upon request.





Will you require a light show ?


Pricing Plans are available upon request.       





Are you eligible for any of our discount plans?  Discounts are available for weddings, military/civil service personnel, and benefits/fundraisers.



Multiple Bookings: 


Are you a return customer ?  We'll reward you for booking with us again and again.



Chosen Date:             


Does your function fall on a major holiday ?  As with all services, rates differ for major holidays such as Christmas or New Year's Eve. 



Our goal is to consistently provide you with the highest level of quality service and reliability and our pricing reflects that purpose.


Price Quotes are available upon request.




Do I really need a contract ?


A contract guarantees you that your DJ will be there to perform on the day of your scheduled event.  How could you move forward without one?  Be wary of anyone who will perform at an event or accept a fee without a signed contract.  A contract should specify exactly what the DJ will charge, the location and time of the event, liability issues, and any particulars about payment(s).  We operate with a comprehensive contract covering all aspects of your event so there are no surprises. We will not accept retainers or payments without a signed contract.




Is a consultation necessary before I book my DJ ?


Why would you hand the entertainment for your function over to someone who you have never met in person?  Meeting with your DJ before booking or signing the contract is important for several reasons.  It will give you the chance to not only assess whether the individual is right for you based on their personality and demeanor, but it will also allow you to consider their appearance and their preparedness.  All of these factors should be taken into consideration before signing the final contract.  We feel that this initial meeting is so important, that in some instances, we will not provide a signed contract until a consultation has taken place.




Is the person that I meet with going to be the DJ for my event?


We are an owner-operated business.  With that, when you hire Unicorn 1 Productions, you can be assured that Tom Moore is your disc-jockey.  We do not sub-contract our work to other disc-jockeys or to other disc-jockey and entertainment companies.  When you employ the services of Unicorn 1 Productions, you get only D.J. Tom Moore.  For our customers security and peace of mind we also notate this information in our contract.


In the event that Unicorn 1 Productions may already be booked for your chosen date, we will be happy to supply you with the name of other qualified disc-jockeys in your area.  These disc-jockeys are not under contract to Unicorn 1 Productions, but have proven themselves to be qualified in their field and we recommend them without hesitation.         




What do I need to provide for my DJ ?



One 6-foot or 8-foot rectangular table

One 6-foot or 8-foot table is required for our DJ setups. 8-foot tables are preferred, but an 6-foot table is also acceptable.  Almost all venues have these readily available, but if your event is at a private residence, please be sure that a table is provided for your DJ.



Two Power Outlets within 25 feet of the DJ setup

Power outlets need to be near the DJ setup for insurance purposes. Cord length is always kept to a minimum to avoid the chance of anyone tripping.  We require two outlets because one generally does not provide adequate power to run all of our equipment. A venue representative should be able to suggest the best location for your DJ. 


Covering for Outdoor Events

The client is responsible for providing adequate cover for the DJ in the case of an outdoor event.  The ground needs to be dry without any standing water or any general sogginess in the area designated for the DJ's set-up.  Otherwise, ground covering will be required as well. In the case of foul weather, where an alternate indoor location is not available, the DJ retains the right to determine

whether the performance can continue or not, due to safety concerns. 



Meals for your DJ and his assistant are never required but are always greatly appreciated whenever they are provided by our clients.


Should I offer a gratuity or tip to my DJ ?

Tipping is never required and never added into the cost for your event.  As with any other service industry, if you would like to recognize your DJ for an exceptional job, tips are always appreciated - but never expected.

